If you've been through our material and you find yourself looking for something else to do, or if you've gotten stuck and need a hand, here are some resources to get you started. Some will be a refresher of what you've learned already, but some will be completely new. The advanced/interesting stuff section will be a combination of the HTML, CSS, and jQuery that you've learned-- it will be a little more complicated, but don't be afraid to ask questions if you get stuck.
- CSS Diner - A handy site that helps with learning CSS selectors.
- CSS Vocabulary - Good for learning CSS terminology; click the links in the sidebar to explore it.
- The Difference between ID and Class - One of the concepts we covered in the course, but written about in-depth by Chris Coyier. Useful article on how the two are different and why it matters.
- CSS Lint - A tool that will tell you what's wrong with your CSS, and how you can make it better! Just paste your CSS code into the box, and have a look at the output; it will tell you if there is anything critically wrong, and also whether or not the code can be better/more efficient.
- A List Apart - Excellent articles (of varying difficulties) on CSS are linked here, but ALA has brilliant writing for the web in general.
Advanced/Other Interesting Stuff
- Animate.css - Combining CSS and Javascript to create some brilliant animations on your site.
- Caption Hover Effects - an interesting tutorial on some CSS hover animations.
- Grid: A simple guide to responsive design - A comprehensive article and tutorial on responsive design, and why you should bother with it.
- ScrollMagic - One of the trendy jQuery plugins that lets you do complex animations as visitors scroll through the site. There are some interesting examples here. This is a difficult one, but very effective when it's done right.
- Codrops Tutorials - A great site for some flashy jQuery and CSS-based tutorials. Some are basic and some are more difficult, but it's worth a look!